Interview: Reuben Reuel

How are you today?
I’m feeling good today. It’s been a bumpy past few months but getting back into the groove of things. Thanks for asking!

For those who may not yet be acquainted with your work, could you elaborate on the essence of your sound and elucidate upon the prominent influencers that have shaped your artistic journey thus far?

I like to say that my sound is Electronic R&B, but if we were to go deeper it’s an amalgamation of multiple genres. Pop, Dance, R&B, House, Electronic, etc… I love synthesizers and a good bassline. I’ve had a lot of people and experiences influence my artistic journey… at this point it’s a lot of the people that I’ve collaborated with that are really inspiring me at the moment. New York has a very vast musical scene and the network I’ve created as an artist has definitely made me so inspired to continue to make good music.

In what ways has your geographical surroundings served as a muse for your creative endeavors? Have you observed any discernible impact of your locale on the evolution of your musical expression?

I think being from New York has absolutely inspired so much musically and artistically. Sounds from NYC highly inspired a lot of what I created with my project Odyssey. I would like to see what happens if I spend more time creating outside of it and see if that would give even more inspiration – which I think it would. Location aside, I think the experiences that life gives you have definitely evolved my musical expression.

Your recent single release has garnered attention. Could you provide insight into the genesis of this record and expound upon the narrative that informs its creation?

The new remix of Slow is all about pushing the narrative of feeling stuck but needing to move forward. The original version – which I’ve noticed a spike in traction too which I’m super grateful for – is a bit more groovy and funky, whereas the remix is a lot faster and upbeat. I think it’s interesting the dichotomy of each given the basis of the song’s meaning.

How does your latest single distinguish itself within the context of your discography? Furthermore, could you delve into the significance it holds for you personally?

This latest single is a little different given it’s a remix, but what’s very special about it is that it’s a remix of the first song I released to streaming platforms. Slow started this entire trajectory for me so it really means a lot to have it reimagined in a new context today.

What aspirations do you harbor regarding the impression you wish your latest project to leave upon its audience?

I think more so that things change, ebb and flow. A creation you made in the past can always be reimagined and that excitement can come back in full force.

Can we anticipate the emergence of a new EP or, perhaps, an album from your artistic repertoire in the foreseeable future?

Yes! I actually have been working on a new project. I’ve already got a vision and storyline regarding it. I’m very excited for it, it’s a lot more vulnerable than my previous works, and the sound is different but still very much true to myself. I’m really looking forward to sharing more about it in the future, and I’ve started playing some of the new songs at my shows.

Looking ahead, what milestones do you envision accomplishing within the forthcoming five years, both artistically and personally?

I look forward to touring, releasing more music, hopefully performing and getting more traction internationally as well. I’d love to sell out some shows and establish myself as an artist and household name. Even if it’s not in five years, I do want to work towards this for my future, no matter how long it takes.