Interview: Doc STRANGE

How are you today?
Feeling superb, thanks for asking!

For those who may not yet be acquainted with your work, could you elaborate on the essence of your sound and elucidate upon the prominent influencers that have shaped your artistic journey thus far?

I am a healthy mix of a lot of dope material. It’s a generational thing. I feel blessed to be the age I am. I was able to experience the Golden Era, or simply for me , the Rap City/Yo! MTV Raps Era. You saw the best of the foundation for rap. I was so young that it had a profound effect on my ear and creative behavior. So within me, you hear how one unique individual processed all that and created Hip Hop that feels like everything all at once.

In what ways has your geographical surroundings served as a muse for your creative endeavors? Have you observed any discernible impact of your locale on the evolution of your musical expression?

Texas is where I’m from. It’s where I stay. We are a big, somewhat isolated and very unique part of America. We have been musically influenced by every movement in Hip Hop, and through that, pioneered some styles of our own.
What drives me is that Texas has not created a figure like MF DOOM, or Madlib, or OutKast. We have yet to have indie machines like Rhymesayers, Def Jux or Mellow Music Group. We never had a Rawkus. I just want to be that type of experience for Texas, and the world at large.

Your recent single release has garnered attention. Could you provide insight into the genesis of this record and expound upon the narrative that informs its creation?

Black folks need to be cool again. We used to be cooler than everybody for the longest. “DARTH VADER TINT” is the rebirth of being a cold blooded Black player. That dark machismo, I’m talking about Billy Dee Williams, that Miles Davis, that Isaac Hayes type of suave. A grown man shouldn’t dress like a kid. I want to put that grown sexy groove on. That is the narrative the song runs with.

How does your latest single distinguish itself within the context of your discography? Furthermore, could you delve into the significance it holds for you personally?

The fact that my guy B-Down ran the production means a lot. He has been on the team since day 1. He is the original team. He created the sound we have and affects my production approach as well. On the album “Ya’ll Still Can’t Rhyme Like This”, you hear a sound fully
manifested into its potential. Many years of dedication to this lifestyle of Hip Hop can be heard on this record.

What aspirations do you harbor regarding the impression you wish your latest project to leave upon its audience?

I need the real heads to respect this music. That is who I made it for, special people. No one is a bigger fan of the underground than me. I am giving freeform style and philosophy in rhyme form. I am on a constant quest to share this sound with the advanced listener. There is enough basic, coonish behavior out there. I’m on the other side with mine.

Can we anticipate the emergence of a new EP or, perhaps, an album from your artistic repertoire in the foreseeable future?

I am writing daily. I am recording on a regular basis with a couple projects already in the bag and done. This is going to be an interesting summer, for sure.

Looking ahead, what milestones do you envision accomplishing within the forthcoming five years, both artistically and personally?

Like I was referring to earlier, I want to become what I am looking for. I want to become the real live Charles Xavier. I want to establish my label Sister With Pistol Soundworks as a school for gifted children, so to speak. I am looking to work with strictly mutants. I will be working with super powered artist’s going forward. When I step off the mic, I will continue to farm talent and keep the forward thinking movement cracking and popping like fish grease.